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At the beginning of our series in Revelation David highlighted John's symbolic use of numbers. The number seven, for example, speaks of ‘completeness’ in the same way that seven days complete a whole week.

The seven churches were real congregations, but the fact that there are seven tells us that this is a message for the whole church, in every place and every generation. The seven messages address a whole range of conditions that churches can find themselves in - rich or poor, spiritually weak or physically weak, struggling against persecution or struggling against false teaching, standing firm against temptation or dangerously compromised.

As we read these seven messages there are words of challenge and encouragement directly applicable to us. Let us be those who have ears to hear.

As well as a variety of messages for a variety of situations, there are a couple of things that Jesus says the same to every church. 

He says “I know… (Revelation Chapter 2 verses 2, 3, 9, 13, 19, and Chapter 3 verses 1, 8, 15)”. Jesus knows us. He is among His churches. He not only knows the churches, but He knows the individuals in the churches. He knows our sins and our struggles, This should be both an encouragement and a wake-up call.

He also says, “To the one who is victorious… (Revelation Chapter 2 verses 7, 11, 26, and Chapter 3 verses 5, 12, 21)”. Jesus is cheering all of His people on to keep going when it’s hard, and to turn away from sin. We really can finish well, no matter where we are at right now. I imagine Jesus, like a parent beside the running track, spurring His child on to stay in the right lane, to finish the race, and ready with a strong embrace at the end.



  • That we would hear the specific things Jesus wants to challenge and encourage us with as a church and as individuals.
  • That we would have hope in our heart that we can finish the race well and say along with the Apostle Paul:

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith (2 Tim 4.7).