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Jesus has a chance to farewell His disciples before He goes to the cross. Stretching from John 13:31 all the way to the end of chapter 16 we have the words recorded for us. Contained in this section are some really well known and much loved words of Jesus. He predicts Peter’s denial; calls Himself ‘the way and the truth and the life’; promises the Holy Spirit; speaks famously about the Gardener, the Vine and the branches; and encourages the disciples to take heart - just to name a few! (13:38; 14:6; 14:26; 15:1-17; 16:33)

This week I want to highlight one little verse for us that might be easy to miss amongst all that surrounds it. It’s 15:9 where Jesus says:

“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.”

(John 15:9 NIV)

Let’s pull it apart and savour how good this is:

As the Father has loved me: Have you thought much about the Father’s love for the Son? What does that love look like? Well, for starters it’s been ongoing since eternity past. We can say God is love because the Father has always loved the Son, even before creation was created. His love is eternal, ongoing. 

Has the Father ever stopped loving the Son? No way! Would the Father ever withdraw His love from the Son? Not at all! Could His love be imperfect, mixed with selfishness or manipulation? Nope! The Father delights in the Son.

“This is my Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased.”

(Matthew 3:17)

So have I loved you: This perfect delight, this love from the Father to the Son overflows to us! Are you kidding me? Jesus loves us with the same love that God the Father loves Him. 

This means Jesus has always loved you. He will not quit loving you. He loved you yesterday. He will love you tomorrow. And He’s loving you today as you read this. 

Love between people is never perfect. We can lie about love, use it to manipulate to get what we want out of someone, we can love out of mixed motives, or even withhold love to punish someone. Not Jesus. He will not withdraw His affection from you. His love for you is perfect, and He loves us purely because we are His. And He does this despite our sin. Isn’t this overwhelming? Such is the love of Christ.

Now remain in my love: Out of response to His great love for us, may we be encouraged to live lives deeply connected to Him. Let’s carry an ongoing awareness of His love for us - most clearly demonstrated for us in the way He laid His life down for us. Out of response to His great love for us, may we seek to live in obedience to His commands by asking for the Spirit’s help. A life aimed at obedience, not so that He loves us, but because He already does.



Out of the depths I cry to You Lord Lord, hear my voice Let Your ear be attentive to my cry for mercy.

(Psalm 130)

  • Father, thank You for the Capernwray team, for their hearts that want to learn and serve You.
  • Thank You for the people who serve us week after week in all sorts of ways that we don’t even realise.
  • Please encourage our pastors, Lord, as they seek to serve the flock.